Webinar on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – why and how to implement DEI s
Moderated by Kristof Geutjens, chair of The Brewers of Europe’s Expert Group on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, three speakers will share their experience and advice, starting with Mrs Géraldine Dufort (Principal Adviser, Diversity and Inclusion Office, European Commission) who will present how a large-scale organisation with different departments is implementing a DEI policy. She will then be followed by Mrs. Claire Godding, Senior Expert on Diversity & Inclusion and Societal Needs for the Belgian Federation of Financial Services, who will explain what role a national trade association can play to support its members and help them by creating and disseminating resources. The final presentation will be delivered by Mrs. Pascale Thorre, Head of Global Inclusion & Diversity at The HEINEKEN Company, will focus on the reasons why developing a DEI policy makes sense for every brewing company, irrespective of the size.
During the webinar, attendees will be able to ask questions to the speakers using the Q&A box. Answers will be provided as much as possible, time allowing. The webinar will be recorded and made available for free to anyone wishing to use this resource.